Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Big Bucks

Today is a big day for all of us here in the office. We have investors flying in from the Netherlands to inspect our offices, evaluate our land value and complete their due diligence. If all goes to plan they are going to invest $75 million with another $125 million to follow from other investors.

Its all very interesting to see how it works. See, if the Dutch don’t come on board it will have a domino effect that will filter down to the smaller investors who will also pull out. Basically what the Dutch are doing not only for themselves but also every other investor is providing a due diligence strategy that will be used as a benchmark for success.

If the Dutch are willing to invest $75 million based on the information we have provided then wouldn’t the smaller investors follow suite? Yes. If they don’t invest then why would the smaller investors want to throw their money at us? They wouldn’t. So, cross your fingers, toes and anything else you have to cross for us because today is a BIG BIG day for my firm.

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